Youth Expedition Series Tee - Tarpon
Sometimes the most beautiful animals can be found close to home -- that’s one benefit of living in the coastal marshlands. The Tarpon offers fisherman a unique aesthetic whose beauty and sport is unparalleled. Their iridescent silver bodies are painted with blue-green bands that run down the body and vary in intensity – no two are exactly alike. Tarpons are highly coveted for sport and are strong fighters if you're lucky enough to get one hooked on a line. Their freshwater and saltwater habitat puts them in every Southerner's backyard. The Expedition Series Tee pays homage to this beautiful fish and the bodies of water they call home.
- 100% Lightweight Cotton
- Ultra Soft Spun Fabric
- Pocket Tee
- Full Color
- Garment Washed
Also available: Expedition Series - Tarpon